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Category Archives: Shopping

The Little Things :: Like BEDDING!

I guess there are some people out there that don’t really care too much about their bedding. I am not one of those people. As a matter or fact, I often joke that if I ever had enough money I would never sleep in the same set of sheets more than twice! There is nothing like laying on fresh, brand new sheets! I know they say you should wash them before your first use, but you want to know a secret? I don’t wash them! Shhhh! I love the crisp cotton on my skin, snuggling up underneath them, and that “new sheet smell”!

I was giddy as a school girl when I came home today and saw this::

Do you know what is in that box, friends? Oh, just some Christmas bedding I happened to score on sale from Pottery Barn- producer of my FAVORITE bedding!

I could just look at it all day! The only thing missing is my red quilt, which will be in a different shipment! I couldn’t wait to get home this afternoon after getting Hubs and just curl up in it! On a side note:: we have a queen bed, but somebody (me) loves to wrap themselves up like a mummy so I order King quilts and duvet covers (as the duvet is King). Yeah, getting the duvet cover on a king size duvet is a work out in it’s own class! Someone needs to come up with a much easier design!

Something as little as bedding is all I need to be one happy chicky! I just hope the month goes by slowly so I can get the full enjoyment out of this Christmas bedding!


Feel free to follow me over on Instagram {TheYoungRetiree} for more little things throughout my days that make me giddy and grateful, goofy and genuinely blessed on a daily basis!

Gifts From Canada :: Package Pals!

Package pals? What?

A month or so ago I signed up on a pretty awesome little blog to be a part of a gift exchange called “Package Pals”. I was paired up with Shutterbug in Canada and sadly, as of yet, she has not gotten her package 😦 Who knew sending something to our northern neighbor could take so long!

I’ll share more on my package at the end, but for now, this is the sweet package I got in!

I thought their mail labels were pretty awesome!

Oh, I guess you want to take a peak at the awesome-ness that was on the inside though, huh? Ok, here we go:

BEAUTIFULLY packaged gifts!

Oh, But you want to really see what was underneath the pretty ribbon and paper? Me too! I ripped into the packages and was in for quite the treat from my package pal! Check out these cute things:

awesome stamping markers!


An awesome little Canadian mini t-shirt, cookie cutter of the Maple Leaf, and some Canadian coins! I was so excited at how shiny they were that I did not get a picture of just them... perhaps I'll instagram it later!

There was one more little goodie in my package::

Shutterbug's favorite candies... and the hunt begins to get some more 😀

 I had such a fun experience with this swap and it brought me some great joy during a very frustrating time in our lives. I had so much fun shopping for Shutterbug while we were on vacation back home in Virginia… and then couldn’t use what I had bought! She hasn’t gotten her package yet… but I’ll tell you about it down below!


Growing up in Virginia I thought it would be really cool to send her some peanuts. I planned the whole package out and our shopping while we were back home, then recalled she let me know she was allergic to peanuts! Strike one.

I then thought it would be really cool to get her some Salt Water Taffy, which I happen to really, really enjoy. I could almost go as far as to say it’s my favorite candy! If you look on any box of Salt Water Taffy (even the stuff they sell out here in California) it will tell you (most likely, I’m sure there are exceptions) that it was made by the Forbes Candy Company in Virginia Beach, VA! I wrote a note about how it just reminded me of going to the beach as a kid, even when we went up to the Jersey Shore (and not the MTv one) we could get Salt Water Taffy from good ol’ Va Beach!

Wouldn’t you know like the second or third ingredient is PEANUT BUTTER???? Thank heavens I thought to check, right before I packaged the treats!

So instead, I sent off this:

Sand Dollar shaped soap, a sand dollar we found out here on the beach down in Coronado, a beachy candle, and a star fish soap dish/ring plate.

 I hope she loves it when she gets it… even though I couldn’t include my favorite treat!


Get it… like “iPhone” mixed with “fanatics”?

Earlier last week I was hanging with Neidy and she was telling me some pretty awesome information about the iPhone and communicating with her husband with it. I tried not to be too rude, but needed to have all the deets about just how much these phones were, as the only person who had ever shared lead me to believe the phone bills were outrageous.

Oh, yeah… we were two of the five people still on the planet who didn’t have iPhones. I talked with Hubs about it and we decided Wednesday we would go out over the weekend and check them out.

Needless to say, this is my first time on the computer since Friday afternoon! We both got the iPhone 4 (not the one that talks to you- we figured we would start a little simpler!) and are addicted to them!


We really though we wouldn’t use them very much and that they weren’t worth their cost. Boy, were we WRONG!

Does the lady with the Brostache have an iPhone?

Ok, sure… maybe we’ve gotten some silly apps, but who can resist the BroStache (which was free, and is voice activated to move when you talk!) one? We also are both on “Words With Friends”(come find me, my user name is “TheYoungRetiree”)! We have been playing each other since we got the phones! Oh, and he won our first game of “Hanging with Friends”!

Of course, I am foursquaring my way around town and instagramming like it’s going out of style! I’ve been tweeting, facebooking and mailing from it. I have even been finding my way around in the dark thanks to the flashlight app! I really have no clue how we talked ourselves out of them for so long!

It’s a {SCENTSY} Party, Y’all {oh, and a GIVEAWAY!}

My favorite time of year to decorate is Christmas! As we unpack our HHGs I constantly think of how we’ll be decorating for our first Christmas as a married couple and the first Christmas (not held at a pre-deployment ThanksgivMas Weekend) in our house! Pretty packages under the tree and the smells of the season prancing through the house!


The first year we decorated (back in 2008) we picked a theme for the holidays in our decor:: GINGERBREAD MEN! When I saw this adorable warmer I just knew I had to have it! Oh my goodness and the wish list for me goes on! The cute plug-ins for the holidays which I just need one in every room of the house! There are about 20 fragrances I’m narrowing down. Oh, and have you seen they have a perfume stick? Are you serious? I think I need one of those in my life and what adorable stocking stuffers they would make for co-worker gifts or tucked in a tiny stocking for some of your close girlfriends, aunts or cousins?

I know what I’ll be getting most of the women in my life for the holidays and would love to invite you to spread some of the scentsy love for yourself through my party! Here is the deal:

Head on over “here” and make sure you are ordering under “ELIZABETH’S HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA!” The party will be open through December 5th so you have a whole month to shop!


FOUR (4) people who purchase through my party will randomly be chosen to win a prize! One person will win a plug-in of their choice and three people will win a scentsy bar! PLUS there just might be a little something in it for EVERYONE who makes a purchase from the party (like a thank you note possibly featuring a scent circle… just saying!) to show my appreciation!

Little Things Like Airplanes and Nail Polish

So, this week and next I will be collecting memories of my little things with my snazzy slightly stupid phone… as in not a “smart phone”, not an iPhone, and not with instagram. Just a good ol’ phone with a good ol’ camera that I can text into Facebook and use to share some quick moments in time!

This week was a great week! I had some awesome pictures of packing and the dogs, and then left my computer at home! So, we shall pick up with our travels!

Seeing billowy clouds from high above the world!

That wasn’t the only little thing during our day of travelling that made me smile! We got to the airport bright and early (about 7:30!) since we didn’t really know where to park. We had breakfast at Chili’s (I know!) and then hung out at our gate waiting for our noon flight! Getting on the plane and getting a little treat made me smile, for sure!

In-flight snacks! Thanks Southwest for having reasonable prices, amazing staff, and yummy roasted peanuts!

While we were waiting for our flight I of course shopped! I found an adorable book and read three chapters in the air, which is pretty good for someone not too into reading and who napped… hard!

"You Had Me At Woof!"

Since then we have been hanging out with Nan, running around and getting ready for our PCS (From VA to CA… finally!) While over at the NEX getting stuff for Hubs’ uniform I scored a sweet deal on some nail polish! The NEX does these scratch off coupons where you save anywhere from 5% to 25%! Thanks to the coupon, I was able to get a few bottles!

Happy Birthday to me, indeed!

From left to right we have: Wicked, Power Clutch, Mink Muffs, Eternal Optimist and the ever popular Turquoise & Caicos! I can’t wait to get some on my nails!

The best birthday gift of all was the storm that rolled into the area Thursday. God gave me a beautiful double rainbow that a cell phone picture just does not do justice for! It was breath-taking and beautiful! I needed it!

Thanks, God! What a beautiful birthday gift!

This week was overall lovely. I had several little moments to bless me. I hope you did as well!

Giveaway Closed :: Pretty Packages {K. Davis Creates}

I have UBER EXCITING news coming with the spotlight of this next fabulous shop: A GIVEAWAY! I stumbled upon this shop in my usual manner- clicking on the sponsors from one blog, to another blog, to the shop! K. Davis Creates is an adorable shop with notebook covers, awesome crayon rolls and adorable key fobs, including these:

”]I am a sucker for key fobs! Anyone who has ever done serious grocery shopping will know how awkward it is to wrestle a cart (and kids?) while you try to get your keys out of your purse or pocket! These are the perfect tool for carrying keys on your wrist so you don’t have to dig through your purse… however, I find when I throw them into my purse they are so much easier to spot when I have a bright, fun fob to look for as well. I have been on the hunt for a new one and when I saw these I could not resist. The good news about that is: TWO of my readers will get one! I don’t need three of them, so you lucky dogs get a deal.

This is going to be a pretty easy giveaway to enter as well! I don’t have GFC so no worries if you follow or not. All you have to do: Leave me a comment below that you’d like to win one. That’s it.

If you want to tweet about this giveaway you can do so by clicking the [T] button down below. 

By all means, spread the love to your friends on Facebook and while you’re there, you could “like” my fan page… it’s just not going to earn you another entry.

***Giveaway not endorsed by K. Davis Creates. I’m not even sure she knows I’m doing it. I just fell in love with her blog and shop!***

Good luck friends!

Winner will be chosen tomorrow morning at 11:53 am PST.

Pretty Packages {Etsy Loving!}

Image representing Etsy as depicted in CrunchBase

My favorite one stop shopping spot!

If you haven’t heard of the internet’s biggest and best homemade mall: Etsy, you’ve clearly been living under a rock. It is a website that connects virtual shop owners with a broad spectrum of shoppers and you can find everything from coasters to cat costumes (trust me, you’re going to want to click that link)! There are vintage finds and handmade delights. Artwork, jewelry, quilts, and totes! Lotions, cross stitch, chevron, and prints! It is a giant craft sale waiting to rope you in!

I’ve been shopping Etsy for just over a year now and have found a few shops I am in love with. Mostly accessories and jewelry, but I’ve purchased some gifts for Hubs and have some cute notecards in my cart right now as well.

I would love to share these shops with all of you, as Etsy shops can greatly benefit from word of mouth advertising! I love making a purchase and waiting to see how it arrives, the way it’s packaged, and the detail in all aspects of the process from the seller. I have not been compensated for the reviews (but should a shop ever send me something in return for a review [wink-wink!], that review will still be non-biased).

What are some of your favorite Etsy shops? If you have a shop you would like me to check out, let me know! I am going to kick the series off with a gorgeous little shop I fell in love with and waited a while to purchase from, but have never been more pleased with a purchase! Look for it coming soon! In the meantime, HAPPY SHOPPING friends! (Oh, and you checked out those Cat costumes, right?)