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TYR, Stamped: My Shop!

When I was in high school, our art teacher voluntold us into a local art show. I entered two works, and won First Place for the “Future Artists Award”. I haven’t done much creatively since then. This all changed on the night of September 14, 2011! I laid in bed wide awake and all I could think of was nights in my younger years where I would draw, stamp, and create! I decided right then and there I would figure out the logistics and open my own Etsy shop. I quietly snuck out of bed, turned on my computer, and began looking around!

The Young Retiree, Stamped! was created. I made my list of supplies I would need to get in order to build a good beginning inventory for the shop. I brainstormed in my sketchbook designs and packaging! I was ready… except most of my equipment was in Virginia and I was in California. I made a note to call my grandmother and ask her to mail me a few of my stamp sets and ink pads. I would begin creating very soon.

I am so happy to present to you a little piece of my soul in the notecards, bookmarks, gift tags, and so much more that I offer! Spread the love from me, to you, and on to the recipient of your purchase!

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